The winners of season 6, 2024

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On June 28, the sixth season of the Ural Super League 2024 ended! The battle for the first place in the standings among the men's teams continued until the very last day of the season, but there was no intrigue in the women's tournament on the final day!

On June 28, the sixth season of the Ural Super League 2024 came to a close! The men's team competition for the top spot in the standings continued until the last day of the season, while the women's tournament saw no drama on the final day.

  • URAL MIAMI - 56 очков
  • OLYMPIA - 44 очка
  • MOUNTAIN WITCHES - 41 очко
  • STONE FLOWERS - 39 очков


In the men's tournament, two teams Southern Bears and Black Wolves competed for the first place on the final day. The Southern Bears team had a 2-point advantage at the beginning of the day, so in order to maintain the lead, it needed to win the last game of the season or the Black Wolves team would lose its final match. 

The first game took place between the Black Wolves and Miners teams (occupying the last place in the standings). This match decided the fate of the first place of the 6th season of the Ural Super League. 

From the first set, the Miners team players made it clear that this game would not be easy for Black Wolves. The first set ended with a score of 28:26 in favor of the Miners team. In the second set, the Black Wolves team fought back after finishing the game at 23:25. But then the Miners team did not give a chance to win the game and as a result, the Black Wolves team took the first place in the season by taking the remaining two sets with a score of 25:21 and 25:17.

 Going into the final game of the season, the Southern Bears team was already the champion in absentia and the players would be satisfied with any result. But the champions did not play "carelessly" and defeated their opponents with a score of 3:0, putting a bright point in the season and confirming that they did not accidentally occupy the first line of the Ural Super League season 6 standings!

  • SOUTHERN BEARS - 35очков
  • BLACK WOLVES - 30 очков
  • FACTORY WORKERS - 28 очков
  • MINERS - 27 очков


Congratulations to the winners of season 6 and look forward to the start of the new, 7th season, Ural Super League! The start of the season is scheduled for July 1, 2024! You can always view the current schedule in the "Calendar" section

We also remind you that you can watch all the matches of the Ural Super League live on our website!

 See you next season!

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